Live of Baby Capuchin Monkeys
They live in the trees do not like the night, as there may be enemies, are very active during the day. They are very intelligent and usually have dark limbs and the rest of the body clear, usually cream or white. Its tail is super long, they body can grow up to 22 inches. They weight is not more than 2 pounds when they are older. They can be found in northeastern Argentina, usually you can see them in the province of Misiones, near to Iguazú Falls, but are also found in both tropical jungles of south america and north america, many of them in Venezuela , Colombia and the Amazon. The males have strong character, usually when it is mating season. They like to communicate a lot and although people think is a lazy monkey,is demonstrated that taking naps during the day are a way to socialize and build a relationship with others in their group. They eat nuts, leaves, fruits, insects and sometimes bird eggs. They are excellent in the use of tools, they have been seen using stones or other elements to break coconuts and other seeds. Those who live near the beaches use stones to break the carapace of crabs. They have a great ability to solve problems, making them very similar to humans. The average lifespan in the wild is 25 years, but in captivity are known to have come to live to about age 40. Usually only one baby born a year to year, and mothers form groups to care for them. It is known that it is not endangered because they are usually very versatile in terms of finding new places to live and thanks to its varied food allowing them to move through the forest and not have to stay in a specific place.